Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 350

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Appendix A - Setting OpenLNS CT Default Options

Name/instance ID

Selects the character to be inserted between the OpenLNS CT
SmartShape name and the instance ID. The choices are Space ( ),
Underscore (_), Dash (-), Exclamation Point (!), and Hash (#). The
default separator character is Space ( ).

For example, the default name of the first analog input (AI-) LonPoint
device added to your OpenLNS CT drawing with a
space ( ) selected as the separator character is AI- 1. If you select a
dash as the separator character, the default name is AI--1.

Scope: Current network, current OpenLNS CT computer

Minimum Digits in
Instance ID

Sets the minimum number of digits to be used in the instance ID. The
default value is 1.

For example, the default name of the first analog input (AI-) LonPoint
device added to your OpenLNS CT drawing with the minimum digits
set to 2 is AI- 01, set to 3 it is AI- 001, and so on.

To ensure that objects are listed numerically in various OpenLNS CT
menus and reports, set the minimum digits in the instance ID to
accommodate the maximum number of a specific type of object you
plan on creating in a subsystem. For example, if you plan on creating
10 or more of a certain device in a subsystem, you should set the
minimum digits to two; if you plan on creating 100 or more of a
device, set it to three; and so on.

Scope: Current network, current OpenLNS CT computer

Instance ID Fill

Selects the characters to be inserted between the separator character
and the instance ID when the number of digits in the instance ID is less
than minimum digits set. The choices are Space ( ) or Zero (0). The
default fill character is Space ( ).

For example, the default name of the first analog input (AI-) LonPoint
device added to your OpenLNS CT drawing with the minimum digits
set at 2 and a space selected as the fill character is AI- 1. If a zero (0)
was selected as the fill character, the default name is AI- 01.

Scope: Current network, current OpenLNS CT computer

Remove Extra
Characters from
Name before
Appending Instance

Automatically deletes any separator characters appended to OpenLNS
CT SmartShape names. This option is cleared by default.

For example, the default name of the first analog input (AI-) LonPoint
device added to your OpenLNS CT drawing with this check box
cleared is AI- 1. If this check box was selected, the default name
would be AI 1.

Scope: Current network, current OpenLNS CT computer