Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 379

OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
under software control as long as the device is configured. For example, the device can ground the pin
when the device is moved or when a predefined series of I/O occurs. The service pin can also be used
to drive an LED that indicates the Smart Transceiver’s or Neuron Chip's state. The service LED is
solid on when the Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip is applicationless, blinks slowly when the Smart
Transceiver or Neuron Chip has an application and is unconfigured, is off when the Smart Transceiver
or Neuron Chip has an application and is configured, and blinks once quickly each time the Smart
Transceiver or Neuron Chip is reset.
Smart Connection Description (SCD)
A pre-defined connection description that OpenLNS CT automatically assigns to a connection being
created or changed based on the number of target network variables, whether the target network
variables are located on the same or different subnet, and the availability of network variable aliases.
Source Address
The logical node address of the transmitting device contained in every packet transmitted over a
Standard Configuration Property Type (SCPT)
A standard set of configuration property types defined by the L
Association to facilitate
interoperability. SCPTs are defined for a wide range of configuration properties used in many kinds of
functional profiles, such as hysteresis bands, default values, minimum and maximum limits, gain
settings, and delay times. SCPTs should be used in a L
network wherever applicable. In
situations where there is not an appropriate SCPT available, manufacturers may define UCPTs for
configuring their devices. See the Echelon or L
website for a current list and documentation.
Standard Network Variable Type (SNVT)
A standard set of network variable types defined by the L
Association to facilitate
interoperability by providing a well-defined interface for communication between devices made by
different manufacturers. SNVTs should be used in a L
network wherever applicable. In
situations where there is not an appropriate SNVT available, manufacturers may define UNVTs for
communicating with their devices. See the Echelon or L
website for a current list and
A collection of master SmartShapes that can be reused in Visio.
Structured Object
A network variable or configuration property that has a type with multiple fields. Examples of
structured objects include SCPTmaxSend Time (has fields for day, hour, minute, second, and
millisecond in the following format: 0 0:00:00.000) and SNVT_switch_2 (has fields for state, setting,
and scene number in the following format: <state> 0.0 0).
A logical collection of up to 127 devices on the same channel within a domain. Up to 255 subnets can
be defined within a single domain. Subnets cannot cross configured or learning routers.
A collection of application devices, routers, and functional blocks. With OpenLNS CT, each
subsystem corresponds to one page within an OpenLNS CT drawing. Subsystems allow you to place
application devices, routers, and functional blocks onto separate pages for organizational purposes.
You can place a subsystem within another subsystem, allowing you to create a subsystem hierarchy for
large networks. For example, a network may consist of HVAC, lighting, security, and operator
subsystems. These may be further divided into subsystems for each floor, and each floor divided into
subsystems for each room.