Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 371

OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
IP-852 Network Interface
Software that enables IP-852 devices such as OpenLNS Server computers, OpenLNS CT computers,
IP-852 routers, and native IP-852 devices to be attached to an IP-852 channel. An IP-852 network
interface requires that the IP-852
Configuration Server be configured before trying to communicate
with remote devices or remote computers. IP-852 routers include the SmartServer, i.LON 100 Internet
Server, and i.LON 600 IP-852 Router.
IP-852 Router
An IP-852 router forwards ISO/IEC 14908-1 packets enveloped in ISO/IEC 14908-4 packets over an
IP-852 channel. IP-852 routers include the SmartServer, i.LON 100 Internet Server, and i.LON 600
IP-852 Router.
Local area network. A LAN is a communications network that links a number of different
workstations in the same area. The local area may be defined as the same building or campus of
buildings. Using the LAN, individual workstations or computers can send messages and files to each
other and to shared devices, such as printers, disk storage, and other computer systems. LAN
performance is measured in the amount of data that can be transmitted and received, usually expressed
as megabits or gigabits transmitted per second, so its critical factor is speed.
Local Client
An OpenLNS CT computer that is also running the OpenLNS Server.
LonScanner Protocol Analyzer
An ISO/IEC 14908-1 protocol analyzer for field use that provides L
manufacturers, system
integrators, and end-users with a rich set of Windows-based tools to allow users to observe, analyze,
and diagnose the behavior of installed L
networks. The LonScanner Protocol Analyzer
includes three tools for network analysis and monitoring:
• Packet monitor tool
• Network traffic statistics tool
• Network diagnostics tool
LonMark International
A global membership organization created to promote and advance the business of efficient and
effective integration of open, multi-vendor control systems utilizing ISO/IEC 14908-1 and related
LonTalk File Transfer Protocol
An interoperable way for devices to share data files. The file types— 0, 1, and 2—are defined by the
LonMark program for specifying configuration parameters.
The technology that allows for the creation of open, interoperable control networks that communicate
with the Control Network Protocol. L
technology consists of the tools and components
required to build intelligent devices and to install them in control networks.
Message Tag
Logical input and output ports that devices use to send and receive explicit messages. Message tags
are used for standard data transfer mechanisms such as the L
file transfer protocol and the
data log transfer protocol. In addition, they are used as a proprietary interface to devices
such as factory calibration interfaces. Message tags can only be added to the virtual functional block
of a device that supports message tags. A device always contains a msg_in tag and may contain
declared message tags as well. Declared message tags are bi-directional (the device can both send and
receive messages with them). The msg_in tag can only be used to receive messages. Generally,