Saving browser customization, Monitoring network variables, Enabling network variable monitoring – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 189: Disabling network variable monitoring, Getting network variable values

OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
This dialog lists all the hidden objects in the browser. Select the object or objects you want to show, or
select the Select All check box to select all the objects, and then click OK. The selected objects
appear in the browser again.
Saving Browser Customization
You can save and later restore the rows and columns that you customize in the OpenLNS CT Browser
to a browser (.brw extension) file. To save your rows and columns to a browser file, open the File
menu and select Save or Save As. Browse to the folder in which browser file is to be stored and enter
the name of the browser file.
To re-open a browser file, open the OpenLNS CT Browser from an OpenLNS CT drawing (right-click
a functional block or device and then click Browse on the shortcut menu) or open the OpenLNS CT
Browser as a standalone application (click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to the
Echelon OpenLNS CT folder, and then select OpenLNS CT Browser). In the OpenLNS CT
Browser, open the File menu, click Open, browse to the folder in which the browser file is stored, and
then select the browser file. Alternatively, you can locate the desired browser file in Windows
Explorer and then double-click the file.
To print a browser file, click the Print button (
) on the browser toolbar, or open the File menu and
select Print. To preview the file as it will be printed, open the File menu and select Print Preview.
To return to the browser window from print preview, click the Close button.
Monitoring Network Variables
You can use the OpenLNS CT Browser to monitor network variables.
Enabling Network Variable Monitoring
To enable the OpenLNS CT Browser to monitor a network variable, right-click the network variable
row you want to monitor and then click Monitor on the shortcut menu. When a selected network
variable is being monitored, this option is set in the shortcut menu. To monitor all network variables,
right-click any network variable and then click Monitor All On, on the shortcut menu, or click the
Monitor All On button (
) on the browser toolbar.
The Mon column for monitored network variables changes to ‘Y’ and the Value column displays the
current network variable value. The browser blinks a status indicator next to the ‘Y’ when a new value
for the monitored network variable opens.
The OpenLNS CT Browser polls network variables at the interval specified on the Network Variables
tab of the Browser Options dialog. The default poll interval is 1 second. To change how frequently
network variables are polled, open the Browse menu, click Options, click the Network Variables tab,
and enter the desired poll interval in the Poll Interval box. The browser does not poll monitored
output network variables if they are connected to the browser computer as described in Using Bound
Disabling Network Variable Monitoring
To stop the OpenLNS CT Browser from monitoring a network variable, right-click the network
variable row and then clear the Monitor option on the shortcut menu. To disable monitoring for all
network variables, right-click any network variable and then click Monitor All Off on the shortcut
menu, or click the Monitor All Off button (
) on the browser toolbar.
Getting Network Variable Values
You can get the value of a network variable manually without using polling. Right-click a network
variable row and then click Get Value on the shortcut menu, or click anywhere in the network variable
row and click the Get Value button (
) on the browser toolbar.