Listing network service devices – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
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Getting Started
2. A dialog opens that allows you to select whether the network service device being added
represents the local NSD (only available if you are a remote client and you are using a NSD that
does not have a SmartShape associated with it) or a remote NSD.
3. If you selected Remote Device in step 2, a dialog opens which allows you to select the local or
remote network service device to be associated with this network service device SmartShape. If
there is only one network service device with no corresponding SmartShape, it will be
automatically selected.
Note: If you need to remove a NSD from the physical network, first remove the network service
device SmartShape from the drawing by right-clicking it and selecting Delete from the shortcut menu.
Listing Network Service Devices
If you are using OpenLNS CT with remote clients, you can view a list of all OpenLNS clients
connected to the network. Each client is represented by a network service device. To obtain a list of
all NSDs in a network, click Add-ins, point to LonWorks Network, and then select Network Service
Devices. The L
Network Service Devices dialog box opens.