Content – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
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OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
This guide includes the following content:
• Introduction: Provides an introduction to the OpenLNS CT, new features; and the basics of
OpenLNS CT network designs, L
and Visio.
• Installing and Activating OpenLNS CT: Describes how to order and install OpenLNS CT and
Microsoft Visio 2010, and then how to activate OpenLNS CT.
• Getting Started: Provides information on the planning an OpenLNS CT network design; using the
OpenLNS CT Design Manager; setting up a network interface; creating and opening an OpenLNS
CT network design; OpenLNS CT client types; using OpenLNS CT remotely; and creating and
using user profiles.
• Designing Networks: Describes how to design a network using OpenLNS CT. Covers how to
create the following objects in an OpenLNS CT drawing: application devices, functional blocks,
network variables, routers, channels, and subsystems. Explains how to connect network variables.
Explains working with OpenLNS CT SmartShapes
and layers, customizing the OpenLNS CT
user interface, and using OpenLNS CT with AutoCAD drawings.
• Installing Networks: Describes how to install devices using OpenLNS CT, including how to load
applications into them, set the initial state of their applications, set the source of their
configuration properties, and select how they manage device-specific configuration properties. It
also explains the different methods for acquiring device Neuron IDs and how to alternatively use
the device discovery method to install a network.
• Monitoring and Controlling Networks: Describes how you can monitor and control the devices in
your network with OpenLNS CT. Describes the three methods you can use to read and/or write
network variables and configuration properties: using monitored connections, browsing with the
OpenLNS CT Browser, and using Data Point SmartShapes. Covers how to bind network variables
to the host in order to receive event-driven updates. Describes how to change the types and
formats of network variables and configuration properties. Explains how to create simple HMIs in
your OpenLNS CT drawing with Data Point and Visio SmartShapes.
• Maintaining Networks: Provides an overview of network maintenance tasks that you can perform
with OpenLNS CT. Describes loading, replacing, and decommissioning devices. Explains how to
resynchronize and propagate configuration properties values. Explains how to back up and restore
an OpenLNS CT network; create an OpenLNS CT network by recovering information from the
physical network; and resynchronize the network database, OpenLNS CT drawing, and physical
devices. Explains how to merge two OpenLNS CT networks.
• Managing Networks: Explains how to test and verify application devices, functional blocks, and
routers; describes OpenLNS CT styles; and details how to generate device status summary reports,
network resource reports, and OpenLNS network reports.
• Managing OpenLNS CT Licenses: Provides an overview of OpenLNS CT licensing. Describes
how to upgrade OpenLNS CT, upgrade an OpenLNS CT Standard Edition to the Professional
Edition, renew your OpenLNS CT annual maintenance contract, and transfer an OpenLNS CT
• Exporting and Importing a Network Using XML: Describes how to export a L
to an OpenLNS CT network XML file; view a LONWORKS network XML file in a Web
browser; edit an OpenLNS CT network XML file; and import a LONWORKS network XML file
to update a network.
• Using Plug-ins: Provides an overview of plug-ins and then describes how to start a plug-in, get
plug-in information, and re-register, enable, and disable plug-ins.