Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 166

Installing Networks
XIF Name
If you are loading an application file with an .nxe extension, select
the pathname of the XIF file.
OpenLNS CT only requires the binary application file (.apb
extension) and the binary device interface file (.xfb extension);
however, it automatically creates binary files from existing text files
(.nxe and .xif extensions) and saves them in the application file
folder that contains the corresponding .nxe file.
If you are working on a remote client, OpenLNS CT looks for the
application and device interface files on the OpenLNS Server. You
must specify the full pathname (including drive) of the application
and device interface files on the OpenLNS Server. You cannot load
an application file directly from a remote client computer onto a
2. Click Next to continue. If you are commissioning multiple devices with different device
templates, additional windows for each device template and the associated devices will open.
Repeat this process for each device template. When there are no more device templates, the
Setting the Device Initial State window opens.
When you load an application image, verify that the Device Name field contains the name of the device
to be loaded to ensure that the application is being loaded into the correct device. If the device
already has an application, OpenLNS CT will compare the program ID of the new application with the
program ID of the application in the device. If both applications use a type 8 or 9 program ID, a
warning message is displayed if the device Class or Subclass are different. A warning message is also
displayed if a program ID that is not a type 8 or 9 program ID will be overwritten with a type 8 or 9
program ID, or vice versa. If you see this warning, verify that you have the correct device and
application. If you do have the correct device and application, you can safely ignore the warning
Setting the Initial Device State and Source of Configuration
Property Values
You can set the initial device state and the source of configuration property values (application devices
only) when you commission a device. You can also specify how device-specific configuration properties
are managed. Unlike other configuration properties, device-specific configuration properties have values
that can be modified by tools not based on OpenLNS or by the device itself.
Alternatively, you can have OpenLNS CT skip the Setting the Device Initial State window and use the
default settings in the Network Properties: OpenLNS CT Options dialog. You can set the default
initial state of devices under the New Device State box in the Network Properties: Device options
category. You can set the default source of the configuration property values under the CP Value
Source box in the Network Properties: Configuration Properties options category.
When commissioning a router, this window contains only the options to set the initial state of the
router application, as routers do not have configuration properties. When you are commissioning
application devices and routers together, the initial state window will appear for the devices first and
then for the routers.