Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 311

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OpenLNS CT User’s Guide


• To start a plug-in using a default command, right click a device or functional block SmartShape,

and then select Configure or Browse. If a plug-in is registered for the selected command and
functional block type, the plug-in window opens.

You can display information about the plug-in commands that are installed on your computer and
registered for the network, and which commands are default commands, as described in Getting
Plug-in Information


• If you try to use a functional block plug-in on a virtual functional block, the plug-in may fail.

Plug-ins are typically designed to be used with functional blocks. A virtual functional block is
how OpenLNS CT represents the network variables and configuration properties on a device that
are not contained by a functional block. The virtual functional block is not a real functional block,
but a convenient way provided by OpenLNS CT to access the portions of a device interface that
are not part of a functional block.

• To use a plug-in, it must be properly installed and registered. See Re-Registering Plug-ins and

your plug-in documentation for more information.