Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 51

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OpenLNS CT User’s Guide


Skip Plug-ins Options

Skips the plug-in registration page in the Network Wizard when you
create a new OpenLNS CT network.

User Logon

Skip Logon Options

Skips the user logon page in the Network Wizard when you open an
OpenLNS CT network.

Management Mode

Select when changes made in your OpenLNS CT drawing are
transmitted to the physical devices on the network.


Changes to the OpenLNS CT drawing are sent immediately to the
physical devices on the network. Select OnNet if you are
commissioning an engineered system or if you are working on any
phase of an ad-hoc system.


Changes to the OpenLNS CT drawing are saved in the OpenLNS
network database, but are not propagated to physical devices until
OpenLNS CT is placed OnNet. Select OffNet if you are designing
an engineered system.

Once you have commissioned devices with OpenLNS CT OnNet,
you can make real-time changes to network variables when
OpenLNS CT is OffNet.

You can read and make changes to configuration properties while
OpenLNS CT is OffNet, but changes will not be propagated until
you set OpenLNS CT OnNet or you manually propagate them (by
right-clicking a device, pointing to Commissioning, and selecting
Propagate CP Values to Device on the shortcut menu).

Skip Mode Options

Skips the management mode page in the Network Wizard when you
create a new OpenLNS CT network.

Network Components

Drawing Template

Lists the templates available for new OpenLNS CT networks. The
template is an empty OpenLNS CT drawing that specifies a default
drawing background, styles, stencils, and other OpenLNS CT
settings. You can select from the following three default OpenLNS
CT templates that are listed:





is the initial default template used for new

networks. It uses U.S. measurement units.





is the template used to create a demonstration



a demo network, you can only create a maximum

of five application devices.





Metric is a template that uses SI measurement

units for drawing pages.

Custom OpenLNS CT templates installed in the template directory
are also listed.

Root Subsystem Name

Specifies the top-level subsystem name, which opens on the title
block on the top-center of the first page of each new OpenLNS CT
drawing. Subsystem names may be up to 85 characters, may include
embedded spaces, but may not include the period, backslash, colon,
forward slash, or double quote characters. Subsystem names are case
sensitive. The default top-level subsystem name is “Subsystem 1”.

Initial Channel Name

Specifies the name of the initial channel that is attached to the
OpenLNS Network Interface in each new network drawing.