Hiding browser rows – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 188

Monitoring and Controlling Networks
Under the display box, select which objects you want displayed in the browser. You have three
• Network Variables. Only network variables are displayed in the browser.
• Configuration Properties. Only configuration properties are displayed in the browser.
• Both. Network variables and configuration properties are displayed in the browser.
Select the Sort NVs by Name check box to list the network variables in the browser alphabetically. If
this option is cleared, they are listed by network variable index. Changes to this option do not affect
the current browser window. To update the display, close and restart the browser.
Hiding Browser Rows
To hide a network variable or configuration property in the OpenLNS CT Browser, click anywhere in
the row containing the object you want to hide, click Edit, and then click Delete Row. Alternatively,
you can click a row and then press DELETE. The browser hides the selected row. This selection does
not affect the network variable or the configuration property itself.
To hide all configuration properties and network variables, click Edit, click Delete All Rows, and then
click OK on the warning dialog that opens.
To re-display a network variable or configuration property row that is currently hidden, click Edit, and
then click Undelete Row. The Undo Delete dialog opens.