Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 289

OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
1. Click Add-ins, point to OpenLNS CT Documents, and then click Export to XML. The XML
Export Options dialog box opens.
2. Set the following options to select the data to be included in the XML file:
Export Scope
Select the portion of the network to be included in the XML file. There are four
• Entire Network. All application devices and routers in all subsystems in
the network will be exported. This is the default.
• Current Subsystem and Dependents. Application devices and routers in
the currently displayed subsystem and those in any nested subsystems will
be exported.
• Current Subsystem Only. Only application devices and routers in the
currently displayed subsystem will be exported.
• Selected Items Only. Only selected application devices, routers, and
subsystems in the currently displayed subsystem will be exported. This
option is only available if you select one or more items before opening the
XML Export Options dialog box. To select an item click it. To select
multiple items, click one, hold down SHIFT, and click all other desired
Report NV Values
Includes the current values of all exported NVs. This option is unavailable if
the OpenLNS CT computer is not attached to the physical network. This option
can add significant processing time to the export if there are many network
variables within the export scope.
Includes the self-documentation data for all exported devices and their network
variables. This option is unavailable if the OpenLNS CT computer is not
attached to the physical network. This option can add significant processing
time to the export if there are many network variables within the export scope.
Report Device
Includes the values of all device-specific configuration properties.