General – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 46
Getting Started
The OpenLNS CT Design Manager consists of five tabs that let you perform the following functions:
• General. Create, open, copy, delete, and backup/restore OpenLNS CT network designs; start the
OpenLNS Server application; and import and defragment OpenLNS network databases.
• Options. Set a prioritized list of languages for L
resource files.
• New Network Options. Configure default properties for the pages in the Network Wizard and
options to skip the pages, and set the network components.
• OpenLNS CT Stencils. Add, remove, or modify the properties of OpenLNS CT stencils.
• OpenLNS CT Default Options. Configure the default properties and behavior for OpenLNS CT
objects (for example, adding devices, adding functional blocks, and backing up and synchronizing
the OpenLNS database).
You can use the General tab in the OpenLNS CT Design Manager to create, open, copy, delete,
backup, restore OpenLNS CT network designs; start the OpenLNS Server application so remote clients
can access the OpenLNS network database; import a database and then create a new OpenLNS CT
drawing from it; and defragment OpenLNS network databases. To use the General tab, enter the
following data in the boxes and click the following buttons:
New Network
Network Name
Specifies the name of the new OpenLNS CT network design to be
created. The name must be unique to all the OpenLNS CT networks
on this computer. You can enter up to 16 characters and include
embedded spaces. The name is not case sensitive; therefore, you