Restoring a full network backup – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual

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OpenLNS CT User’s Guide


Restoring a Full Network Backup

To restore a full network backup containing both the network database and OpenLNS CT drawing
files, follow these steps:

1. Open the OpenLNS CT Design Manager. Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, point to

Echelon OpenLNS CT, and then select OpenLNS CT.

2. Select the network to restore by selecting either the database from the Database Name list or the

OpenLNS CT drawing from the Drawing Directory list.

3. Click Restore. The OpenLNS CT Restore dialog box opens.

4. Select the Restore from OpenLNS CT Backup check box.

5. By default, the last file containing both a network database and OpenLNS CT drawing backup for

the selected network opens in the Restore from OpenLNS CT Backup box. To select a different
OpenLNS CT backup file (.zip extension), click Browse. The Select Backup File dialog opens.
Select the OpenLNS CT backup file to restore (the full network backup files are in the following
format by default: <network name> [_index].zip), and click Open or double-click the OpenLNS
CT backup file.

6. Click OK in the OpenLNS CT Restore dialog box.

7. OpenLNS CT checks for user privileges. If this OpenLNS CT network is password protected (see

User Profiles), enter your user name and password and then click OK. Your user profile must
have the Modify privilege selected for the network object to restore a network. The Confirm
dialog box opens.

8. This dialog box displays the paths where the restored network drawing and database will be saved.

You cannot change the directory if the database or the drawing already exists on your computer.
Click OK. A message opens prompting you to select whether to delete or overwrite the existing

9. Click Yes to delete the existing drawing folder before restoring the network, or click No to

overwrite it. The full network restore begins.

10. By default, OpenLNS CT will prompt you to select whether to install any new files in the Import

folder (includes L




resource files) and then any new files in the Types folder (includes

.XIF and .APB files).

Click Yes to restore the files; click No to skip restoring the files; or clear the Only Restore New
check box, select one or both of the Overwrite Read-only Files and Overwrite more
Recent Files
check boxes, and click Yes. The overwrite options will replace existing files with
backup versions.

If you do not want to be prompted, in the Network Properties: Backup/Restore options
category, you can set whether OpenLNS CT automatically installs the backup files in the Import
and Types folders.

11. A message opens informing you that the network restore operation has been completed, and

prompting you to select whether to open the OpenLNS CT network in order to recommission
devices that have changed since the network was backed up.