Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
Page 200

Monitoring and Controlling Networks
and field name [if defined]). This is the default.
• Device.FB.NV (the device name, functional block name,
network variable name, and field name [if defined]).
If the selected data point is a functional block state, the following
options are available:
• None (no label).
• Status (the status name [enable/override]).
• FB.Status (the functional block name and status name). This
is the default.
• Device.FB.Status (the device name, functional block name,
and status name).
If the selected data point is a functional block configuration
property, the following options are available:
• None (no label).
• CP (the configuration property name).
• FB.CP (the functional block name and configuration property
name). This is the default.
• Device.FB.CP (the device name, functional block name, and
configuration property name).
If the selected data point is a functional block network variable, the
following options are available:
• None (no label).
• CP (the configuration property name).
• NV.CP (the network variable name, configuration property
name, and field name [if defined]).
• FB.NV.CP (the functional block name, network variable name,
configuration property name, and field name [if defined]).
This is the default.
• Device.FB.NV.CP (the device name, functional block name,
network variable name, configuration property name, and field
name [if defined]).
Specifies the network variable or configuration property format for
the value displayed in the Data Point SmartShape. By default, the
OpenLNS default format is used. You can change the format by
clicking the button to the right of the format field.
This option is unavailable if the selected data point is a functional
block state.
Field Name
Specifies whether the Data Point SmartShape displays the entire
structure of a network variable or configuration property value or
just one or more fields within that structure.
For example, SNVT_switch has a value and a state field. If you
select an input network variable with a SNVT_switch type as the
data point, the switch is off, and you select
the field name list, the Data Point SmartShape displays the entire
structure, which would be “0.0 0”. If you select value, the value
displayed in the Data Point SmartShape will be “0.0”, and if you
select state, the value displayed will be “0”.
This option is unavailable if the network variable or configuration
property type does not have a structure, or the selected data point is