Creating a functional block master smartshape, Creating dynamic functional blocks – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual

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OpenLNS CT User’s Guide


7. You can remove a functional block target from the list by selecting the target’s subsystem name

and then clicking Remove. If you only want to view those functional blocks in which the value of
the configuration property in the target functional block differs from the source, click the check
box at the bottom. You can sort the entries in a column by clicking the column header. Click the
header again to toggle the order (ascending or descending).

8. Click Finish. The functional block targets will be updated.

Functional blocks updated using either of these methods will initially have the same configuration
property settings as the source functional block. Any changes you make to a functional block
afterwards will not affect other functional blocks of the same type.

Creating a Functional Block Master SmartShape

You can create a custom functional block master SmartShape to re-use a functional block that you
have configured. When you create a new functional block using your custom functional block master
SmartShape, the Functional Block Wizard will be skipped (provided that automatic device selection is
selected) and the functional block will be created with the same network variables and configuration
property settings as the original functional block. To create a custom functional block master
SmartShape, drag the desired functional block SmartShape onto an OpenLNS CT stencil to which you
have write access.

Manufacturers may also supply custom master SmartShapes for their functional blocks. For example,
Echelon provides LonPoint functional block master SmartShapes that can be used with the LonPoint

See Chapter 12, Creating and Using Custom OpenLNS CT SmartShapes and Stencils, for more
information on creating and using OpenLNS CT master SmartShapes.

Creating Dynamic Functional Blocks

A dynamic functional block is a functional block that is not pre-loaded on a device. Most devices use
static functional blocks, which are statically defined by the device application. You can view the static
functional blocks that are available on a device by right-clicking the device SmartShape, selecting
Properties on the shortcut menu, and then clicking the Functional Blocks tab.