Device options – Echelon OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User Manual
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OpenLNS CT User’s Guide
Device Options
The Device category contains the following options.
Device Options
XIF Search Path
Specifies the path that OpenLNS CT uses to search for device
interface (XIF) files. You can enter multiple directories by
separating them with semicolons.
Scope: All networks, current OpenLNS CT computer
NXE/APB Search Path
Specifies the path that OpenLNS CT uses to search for device
application files (.NXE and .APB extensions). You can enter
multiple directories by separating them with semicolons.
Scope: All networks, current OpenLNS CT computer
Enable Automatic
Channel Selection
Automatically assigns the appropriate channel to a new device
SmartShape, thereby skipping the Device Wizard. This option is
cleared by default.
The device SmartShape must contain both the definition of the
device template that will be used and the channel type information.
This feature will therefore not work for the Device SmartShape in
the OpenLNS CT Basic Shapes stencil. To accelerate network
design, create custom device master SmartShapes for each of the
device types that you typically use.
The order of the criteria used by OpenLNS CT to select the
appropriate channel is as follows: (1) closest qualified channel to
device SmartShape where the channel is within 1 ½ times the width
of the device SmartShape; (2) most recently used or created channel;
and (3) other available defined channels. If no channel can be
selected using the preceding criteria, the Device Wizard will appear.