HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 360

4. HDLM Operation
JBD: barrier-based sync failed on sddlmaa1 - disabling
Before you update the OS SP, uninstall HDLM. After you have updated the OS
SP, re-install HDLM.
For details on HDLM installation and uninstallation, see 3.6 Installing HDLM
and 3.23.11 Uninstalling HDLM.
If the number of I/O operations that have occurred in the system exceeds the
execution performance of the system (in an environment in which all of the
conditions below exist), the KAPL05008-E message and the call trace of a kernel
might be output.
• Hitachi WMS exists in HDLM management-target devices.
• In the utility for setting HDLM driver option (
), the number of
retries for allocating memory is set to 0 through 2,147,483,646.
In this case, the system might become unstable, and an error might occur in the I/
O that is being executed. In the
utility, set -1 or a value greater than
the current value for the number of retries for allocating memory, and then restart
the system. If a call trace is output even after the retry count is set to -1, consider
adding memory and stopping unnecessary processes.
When a device is dynamically configured by using the udev function, the
messages shown below might be output to the console or syslog. However,
HDLM operations are not affected.
Output example:
]: scsi_id: unable to access parent device of '/
For a01 in the above examples, any alphanumeric character can be output.
4.1.6 Notes When Using SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11
Note the following when your OS is SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11:
Before you update the kernel package, uninstall HDLM. After you have updated
the kernel package, re-install HDLM.
For details on HDLM installation and uninstallation, see 3.6 Installing HDLM
and 3.23.11 Uninstalling HDLM.
SCSI devices corresponding to an HDLM device can be removed dynamically
even while the HDLM device is in use. Before doing so, perform the following