Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC User Manual
Page 289

PLCopenPlus Function Blocks for Motion Control 2013-04-13
• 0.0 Offset will cause no offset of the cam data, however the initial slave
offset (discrepancy between slave commanded position and first data
used from the table) when Y_Start_Mode.SlaveAbsolute:=FALSE will
• This function uses a modified sine pattern to ‘meter in’ the change from
0 to 100% of the adjustment change required as described above.
• A master/slave relationship is defined the first time a Y_CamIn,
Y_CamShift, Y_CamScale, or Y_SlaveOffset block completes (Done
output is TRUE.) The "first time" is defined as power up or after
completion of Y_CamOut. If the master/slave relationship is already
defined, then it is checked for consistency, and if not correct, the block
produces an error (Invalid master slave combination).
• Only BufferMode=MC_BufferMode#aborting or
MC_BufferMode#buffered is supported. If MC_BufferMode#aborting,
then the function block will abort any phase shifts, cam shifts, cam
scaling that are currently taking place; it will not abort the underlying
Cam or gearing. If MC_BufferMode#buffered, then the phase shift will
occur after all previous phase shifts, cam shifts, cam scalings complete.
• For more information on slave offset behavior, see the
• For more information on how slave offset applies to camming, see the