Notes – Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC User Manual

Page 108

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PLCopenPlus Function Blocks for Motion Control 2013-04-13


E Busy


Set high upon the rising edge of
the 'Execute' or 'Enable' input, and
reset if Done, CommandAborted,
or Error is true.

E Active


For buffered modes, this output is
set high at the moment the block
takes control of the axis. For non
buffered modes, the outputs Busy
and Active have the same value.

E CommandAborted BOOL

Set high if motion is aborted by
another motion command or
MC_Stop. This output is cleared
with the same behavior as the
Done output.

B Error


Set high if error has occurred
during the execution of the
function block. This output is
cleared when 'Execute' or 'Enable'
goes low.

E ErrorID


If error is true, this output
provides the Error ID. This output
is reset when 'Execute' or 'Enable'
goes low.


• When MC_MoveSuperImposed is active, any other command in aborting
mode except MC_MoveSuperImposed will abort both motion commands:
both the MC_MoveSuperImposed and the underlying motion command. In
any other Buffer mode, the underlying motion command is not aborted.