Error description – Yaskawa MotionWorks IEC User Manual

Page 226

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PLCopenPlus Function Blocks for Motion Control 2013-04-13


• A master/slave relationship is defined the first time a Y_CamIn,
Y_CamShift, Y_CamScale, or Y_SlaveOffset block completes (Done
output is TRUE.) The "first time" is defined as power up or after
completion of Y_CamOut. If the master/slave relationship is already
defined, then it is checked for consistency, and if not correct, the block
produces an error (Invalid master slave combination).

• Only BufferMode=MC_BufferMode#aborting or
MC_BufferMode#buffered is supported. If MC_BufferMode#aborting,
then the function block will abort any phase shifts, cam shifts, cam
scaling that are currently taking place; it will not abort the underlying
Cam or gearing. If MC_BufferMode#buffered, then the phase shift will
occur after all previous phase shifts, cam shifts, cam scalings complete.

• For more information on cam scale behavior, see the

Cam Transition



• For more information on how cam scale applies to camming, see the

Camming Block Diagram


Error Description




No Error


The move could not be started because motion is prohibited. MC_Stop.Execute might be held
high, preventing motion. If MC_Stop has control of the axis, no other function block can override
the "Stopping" state. Other blocks that try to cause motion while MC_Stop has control of the
axis will generate this error. Also verify that the limit switches are not active by checking the
Global Variables for the axis. Also, a motion block may be attempting to abort an
MC_TorqueControl move.


Torque move prohibited while non-torque moves queued or in progress.


The function block is not applicable for the external axis specified


Motion aborted due to axis alarm.


Axis ID does not correspond to an axis configured on the system. Verify the value of AxisNum
matches a logical axis number in the configuration. Tip: Make sure AXIS_REF is properly declared
as a VAR or VAR_GLOBAL in all relevant POUs.