HEIDENHAIN SW 548328-05 DIN Programming User Manual

Page 511

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6.7 Milling cy

cles f


r the Y axis


Plunging behavior (default: 0)

O=0 (vertical plunge):

The cycle moves the tool to the starting

point; the tool plunges at the feed rate for infeed and mills the

O=1 (plunge at pre-drilled position):

If "NF" is programmed: The cycle positions the milling cutter

above the first pre-drilled hole; the tool plunges and mills the

first area. If applicable, the cycle positions the tool to the

next pre-drilled hole and mills the next area, etc.

If "NF" is not programmed: The tool plunges at the current

position and mills the area. If applicable, position the tool to

the next pre-drilled hole and mill the next area, etc.

O=2, 3 (helical plunge):

The tool plunges at the angle "W" and

mills full circles with the diameter "WB." As soon as it reaches

the milling depth "P," the cycle switches to face milling.

O=2—manually: The cycle plunges at the current position

and machines the area that can be reached from this


O=3—automatically: The cycle calculates the plunging

position, plunges and machines this area. The plunging

motion ends at the starting point of the first milling path, if

possible. If the pocket consists of multiple areas, the cycle

successively machines all the areas.

O=4, 5 (reciprocating linear plunge):

The tool plunges at the

angle "W" and mills a linear path of the length "WB." You can

define the orientation angle in "WE." The cycle then mills along

this path in the opposite direction. As soon as it reaches the

milling depth "P," the cycle switches to face milling.

O=4—manually: The cycle plunges at the current position

and machines the area that can be reached from this


O=5—automatically: The cycle calculates the plunging

position, plunges and machines this area. The plunging

motion ends at the starting point of the first milling path, if

possible. If the pocket consists of multiple areas, the cycle

successively machines all the areas. The plunging position is

determined from the type of figure and from "Q" as follows:

Q0 (from the inside toward the outside):

– Linear slot, rectangle, polygon: Reference point of the


– Circle: Circle center

– Circular slot, "free" contour: Starting point of the

innermost milling path

Q1 (from the outside toward the inside):

– Linear slot: Starting point of the slot

– Circular slot, circle: Not machined

– Rectangle, polygon: Starting point of the first linear


– "Free" contour: Starting point of the first linear element

(at least one linear element must exist)
