Subprograms, expert programs, Nc program conversion, Subprograms, expert programs nc program conversion – HEIDENHAIN SW 548328-05 DIN Programming User Manual
Page 190: 1 pr ogr amming in din/iso mode

DIN programming
4.1 Pr
amming in DIN/ISO mode
Subprograms, expert programs
Subprograms are used to program the contour or the machining
In the subprograms, transfer parameters are available as variables.
You can fix the designation of the transfer parameters and illustrate
them in help graphics (See "Subroutines" on page 404.).
In every subprogram, the local variables #l1 to #l30 are available for
internal calculations.
Subprograms can be nested up to six times. Nesting means that a
subprogram calls a further subprogram, etc.
If a subprogram is to be run repeatedly, enter the number of times the
subprogram is to be repeated in the Q parameter.
The Control distinguishes between local and external subprograms.
Local subprograms
are in the file of the NC main program. Local
subprograms can only be called in from their corresponding main
External subprograms
are stored in separate NC files and can be
called in from any NC main program or other NC subprograms.
Expert programs
An expert program is a subprogram that executes complex processes
and is adapted to the machine configurations. Expert programs are
usually provided by the machine tool builder.
NC program conversion
For programming and user communication, keep in mind that the
Control interprets the NC program up to the fixed word MACHINING
in the program selection. The MACHINING section is not interpreted
until you select Cycle on.