Cobra i-series pick-and-place sample – Adept AdeptSight User Guide User Manual

Page 613

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Cobra i-Series Pick-and-Place Sample

After you select the application sample, you are ready for the setup and programming of the
application. A wizard guides you through the process.

The following instructions are provided as an example of a Cobra i-Series Pick-and-Place appli-

What's required before you start?


Adept Cobra i600 or Adept Cobra i800 robot

This needs to be connected to you PC with a COM port.


Robot gripper (end-effector)


Sample part for calibration


AdeptSight software-compatible camera, calibrated to a grid or pixels

The Cobra i-Series Pick-and-Place sample requires that the robot be either an Adept Cobra
i600 or Adept Cobra i800, and that the camera be downward-mounted, either on the robot
arm or in a fixed position in the workcell.

What happens next?

You will use the wizard to:


Select the robot, end-effector, camera, and virtual camera


Teach the picture position, the vision model, and the part placement position


Perform a robot-to-camera calibration

The wizard will pause momentarily to write the program code, then you will:


Load the program into Task 0


Run the program

To program the application:

Select the application sample from the AdeptSight Getting Started screen:

Cobra i-Series Pick-and-Place Sample

AdeptSight User's Guide, Version 3.2.x, Updated: 8/23/2012

Page 613