Adept AdeptSight User Guide User Manual
Page 483

Contrast Polarity
Sets the type of polarity accepted for object rec-
Contrast Threshold
Sets the minimum contrast needed for an edge to
be detected in the input image.
Instance Ordering
Sets the order in which the instances are proc-
essed and output
Minimum Clearance
When enabled, sets the minimum percentage of
the model bounding box area that must be free of
obstacles to consider an object instance as valid.
Minimum Required Features
Sets the minimum percentage of required fea-
tures that must be recognized in order to consider
the object instance as valid.
Model Disambiguation Enabled
When set to true (default), the Locator applies dis-
ambiguation to discriminate between similar mod-
els and between similar hypotheses of a single
object. When set to false, the Locator does not
apply disambiguation.
Model Optimizer Enabled
Specifies whether Models can be optimized inter-
Nominal Rotation
Specifies the range of rotation allowed for an
instance to be valid.
Nominal Scale Factor
Nominal Scale Factor sets the required scale factor
for an object to be recognized.
Output Symmetric Instances
When true, all the symmetric poses of the object
instances are output. When false, only the best
quality of the symmetric poses of the object
instance is output.
Percentage Of Points To Analyze
Percentage of points on the contour that will be
Positioning Level
Configurable effort level of the instance posi-
tioning process.
Recognition Level
Configurable effort level of the search process.
Search Based On Outline Level
When set to true, the Locator does not use the
models at the Detail level for the positioning proc-
AdeptSight User's Guide, Version 3.2.x, Updated: 8/23/2012
Page 483