Adept AdeptSight User Guide User Manual
Page 174

AdeptSight Camera Calibration Wizard - Manual, Upward-looking
Vision Model After Teaching
1. Move the robot so that the model is near the center of the camera field of view.
2. Click Run to take an image.
3. Adjust the model bounding box to fully enclose the model.
Make it close to the perimeter of the model, as shown in the previous figure.
4. Move the origin marker to the center of the model.
Drag the origin marker to the center of the model with the mouse
Click Edit
Click Center to center the marker on the bounding box
Click on the outline of the model, then click Center to center the
marker on the found part
The Edit window is shown in the following figure.
AdeptSight User's Guide, Version 3.2.x, Updated: 8/23/2012
Page 174