Adept AdeptSight User Guide User Manual
Page 268

Configuring Arc Edge Locator Properties
The position in the function editor corresponds to the same position in
the display.
Setting the Position Constraint Function Editor
Score Threshold
The score threshold sets the minimum acceptable score for a valid edge. The
tool will disregard edges that obtain a score lower than the Score Threshold.
Scores attributed for constraints range from 0 to 1.
If both Position and Magnitude constraints are enabled, each constraint
accounts for 50% of the total edge score.
Sort Results
You can enable the Sort Results checkbox to sort the located edges in descend-
ing order based on values. By default, Sort Results is not enabled and edges are
output in the same left to right order as they appear on the projection curve.
Region of Interest (ROI)
Most tool position parameters can be set through the Region of Interest section of the tool
interface. The following are the parameters that define the tool region of interest:
Angle between the two bounding radii of the tool
AdeptSight User's Guide, Version 3.2.x, Updated: 8/23/2012
Page 268