Morphological operations – Adept AdeptSight User Guide User Manual

Page 434

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Morphological Operations

SharpenLow Filtering Kernels


The Median operation sets each pixel in the output image as the median luminance of all the
input image pixels in the neighborhood defined by the selected kernel size. This has the effect
of reducing impulsive image noise without degrading edges or smudging intensity gradients.

Morphological Operations

Morphological operations are used to eliminate or fill small and thin holes in objects, break
objects at thin points or connect nearby objects. These operations generally smooth the
boundaries of objects without significantly changing their area. The Image Processing Tool
provides the following predefined morphological operations, each of which can only be applied
to a 3x3 neighborhood: Dilate, Erode, Close and Open.

AdeptSight User's Guide, Version 3.2.x, Updated: 8/23/2012

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