CommScope ATC300-2000 User Manual
Installation and user guide, Remote control variable electrical downtilt system

ATC200-1000 & ATC300-1000/2000
Remote Control Variable
Electrical Downtilt System
Installation and User Guide
Bulletin 639544 • Revision L • August 2014
© 2014 CommScope Bulletin 639544
Notice: CommScope disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of improper or unsafe installation, inspection, maintenance, or removal practices.
Aviso: CommScope no acepta ninguna obligación ni responsabilidad como resultado de prácticas incorrectas o peligrosas de instalación, inspección, mantenimiento o retiro.
Avis : CommScope décline toute responsabilité pour les conséquences de procédures d’installation, d’inspection, d’entretien ou de retrait incorrectes ou dangereuses.
Hinweis: CommScope lehnt jede Haftung oder Verantwortung für Schäden ab, die aufgrund unsachgemäßer Installation, Überprüfung, Wartung oder Demontage auftreten.
Atenção: A CommScope abdica do direito de toda responsabilidade pelos resultados de práticas inadequadas e sem segurança de instalação, inspeção, manutenção ou remoção.
Avvertenza: CommScope declina eventuali responsabilità derivanti dell’esecuzione di procedure di installazione, ispezione, manutenzione e smontaggio improprie o poco sicure.
1100 CommScope Place SE P.O. Box 339, Hickory, NC 28603-0339
(828) 324-2200 (800) 982-1708
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Any country: +1-779-435-6500, Option 1
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