2 xtc/2 serial communication with checksum, 3 xtc/2 serial communications - no checksum – INFICON XTC/3 Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual

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XTC/3 Operating Manual

5.3.2 XTC/2 Serial Communication with Checksum

This portion of the protocol is in effect in addition to the portion described under

section 5.3.1

above if XTC/2 Ck Sum or XTC/C Ck Sum has been selected under

the RS-232 Protocol parameter.

ACK . . . . . . . Command acknowledged character, ASCII character value d06,

Control F from keyboard.

NAK . . . . . . . Command not acknowledged character, ASCII character value d21.

STX . . . . . . . Start of transmission character, ASCII character value d02

00,NN . . . . . . The size of the command is 2 bytes long with 00 representing the

high order Byte and NN representing the low order byte.

CS . . . . . . . . Checksum, modulo 256 value of message_string and ACK or NAK

To XTC: STX 00 NN message_string CS

From XTC: STX 00 NN ACK message_string CS (if success)

- or -

STX 00 NN NAK error code CS (if failure)

5.3.3 XTC/2 Serial Communications - No Checksum

This portion of the protocol is in effect in addition to the portion described under

section 5.3.1

above if XTC/2 No Ck Sum or XTC/C No Ck Sum has been selected

under the RS-232 Protocol parameter.

ACK . . . . . . . Command acknowledged character, ASCII character value d06,

Control F from keyboard.

NAK . . . . . . . Command not acknowledged character, ASCII character value d21.

To XTC: message_string ACK

From XTC: message_string ACK (if success)

- or -

error_code NAK (if failure)