NORD Drivesystems BU0200 User Manual
Additional information to bu 0200, Notice, Modification of bu 0200

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Additional information to BU 0200
Modification of BU 0200
Please regard the additional information attached at the end of the document concerning:
• AS-Interface (TI 800 0000 0000 7)
• DIP-Switch (TI 800 0000 0000 8)
Bargteheide, 11.03.2014
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-0
Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2253
=== Ende der List e f ür T ext mar ke I nhalt ===
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Hinweis_TIs_im Anhang der BU0200_GB_1114
- BU0200_GB_4411
- 1 General information
- 2 Assembly and installation
- 2.1 Installation and assembly
- 2.2 SK 2xxE dimensions
- 2.3 Brake resistor (BR)
- 2.4 Overvoltage filter SK CIF
- 2.5 Wiring guidelines
- 2.6 Electrical Connection
- 2.7 Electrical connection of the power unit
- 2.8 Electrical connection of SK 2xxE control unit
- 2.9 Plug connectors
- 2.10 ATEX Zone 22 for SK 2xxE
- 2.11 Outdoor installation
- 3 Options
- 3.1 Overview of optional modules
- 3.2 Installation of optional modules
- 3.3 Control connections and configuration
- 3.4 Details of internal Customer Units SK CU4-…
- 3.4.1 Mains Unit, SK CU4-24V-…
- 3.4.2 Potentiometer Adapter, SK CU4-POT
- 3.4.3 SK CU4-IOE-, I/O extension
- 3.4.5 CANopen, SK CU4-CAO
- 3.4.6 DeviceNet, SK CU4-DEV
- 3.4.7 Electronic brake rectifier, SK CU4-MBR
- 3.4.8 Setpoint converter, SK CU4-REL
- 3.4.9 Direction selection switch and potentiometer SK TIE4-SWT and SK TIE4-POT
- 3.5 Details of external Technology Units SK TU4-…
- 3.5.1 Connection unit SK TI4-TU-BUS /-NET / -MSW
- 3.5.2 Mains unit, SK TU4-24V-… (only SK 2x5E)
- 3.5.3 PotentiometerBox SK TU4-POT-…
- 3.5.4 I/O Extension, SK TU4-IOE, ...-M12
- 3.5.5 PROFIBUS DP, SK TU4-PBR, ...-M12
- 3.5.6 CANopen, SK TU4-CAO, ...-M12
- 3.5.7 DeviceNet, SK TU4-DEV, ...-M12
- 3.5.8 EtherCAT, SK TU4-ECT(-C)
- 3.5.9 Maintenance switch, SK TU4-MSW-…
- 4 Displays and control of the SK 2xxE
- 5 Commissioning
- 6 Parameterisation
- 7 Operating status messages
- 8 Technical data
- 9 Additional information
- 9.1 Setpoint processing in the SK 2xxE
- 9.2 Process controller
- 9.3 Electromagnetic compatibility
- 9.4 EMC limit value classes
- 9.5 Reduced output power
- 9.6 Operation with FI circuit breakers
- 9.7 System bus
- 9.8 Energy efficiency
- 9.9 Motor data - characteristic curves
- 9.10 Standardisation of setpoint/actual values
- 9.11 Definition of setpoint and actual value processing (frequencies)
- 9.12 Maintenance and servicing information
- 9.13 Abbreviations in this manual
- 10 Keyword index
- TI800_000000007_ASI_GB_1014_print
- TI800_000000008__S1-6_COPY_BU 0200_GB_1414_print