Xerox 180 User Manual

Page 335

background image




bit map

Visual representation of graphic images in which a bit defines a
picture element (pixel); for example, if a bit is 1, the corresponding
pixel is printed.

bit mapped

Display image generated bit by bit for each point or dot. A software-
driven scanner is used to create characters or graphics.


Process of combining two or more records into a single block of data
which can then be moved, operated upon, or stored, as a single unit
by the computer.

block length

Number of characters or bytes contained in a block of data (the block
is treated as a unit within the computer). Block length is usually
invariable within a system and may be specified in units such as
records, words, computer words, or characters.


To load the initial instructions of a program into computer memory;
these instructions then direct the loading of the rest of the program.
Booting may require entry of a few commands at the keyboard or the
flip of a switch to begin the process.


bits per second. In serial communication, the instantaneous bit speed
with which a device or channel transmits a character.


binary synchronous communication. 1. Communication using binary
synchronous line discipline. 2. Uniform procedure using a
standardized set of control characters and control character
sequences for synchronous transmission of binary-coded data
between stations.


Compartment of memory in which this data is stored during transfer
from one device to another. This is useful for accumulating data into
blocks before storage or processing and for adjusting differences of
speed between devices, or between a device and a communicating

Bypass Transport

Optional module that moves paper from the last stacker bin to a
finishing device.


Fixed number of bits (in data processing, usually 8) operated upon as
a unit. A byte may represent a character, a machine instruction, or
some other logical unit of information.

carriage return

Control character that causes the printing system to start printing at
the left margin of the current line unless set to be interpreted as a line


1. In data communications, a path or line that enables two or more
devices to communicate (sometimes called a circuit, facility, or link).
2. In computers, a path for communication between the central
processing unit (CPU) and input/output units, or between the CPU
and peripheral devices.