2 method of resetting causes of trip – Toshiba Tosvert VF-AS1 User Manual
Page 300
[Pre-alarm display]
Possible causes
Overcurrent pre-alarm
Same as QE (Overcurrent)
Same as QE (Overcurrent)
Overvoltage pre-alarm
Achieving PBR operation
Same as QR (Overvoltage)
blink while PBR is operating is not an
Same as QR (Overvoltage)
blink while PBR is operating is not an
Overload pre-alarm
Same as QN and QN (Overload)
Same as QN and QN (Overload)
Overheat pre-alarm
Same as QJ (Overheat)
Same as QJ (Overheat)
Communication error
•Various transmission errors occur
when computer is linked up with
inverter system.
•Various transmission errors occur in
inverter to inverter communication
(slave side). Time-out or trip in master
•For measures to correct various kinds
of data transmission errors, refer to
the instruction manual for the
communications device used specified
in Section 6.41.
•Check the master inverter.
If two or more problems arise simultaneously, one of the following alarms appears and blinks.
, RN, NJ, ERN, ……, ERNJ
The blinking alarms E, R, N, J, Vare displayed in this order from left to right.
Method of resetting causes of trip
Do not reset the inverter when tripped because of a failure or error before eliminating the cause. Resetting the tripped
inverter before eliminating the problem causes it to trip again.
For recovering inverter from trip status,
(1) By turning off the power (Keep the inverter off until the LED turns off.)
⇒ Refer to Section 6.33.2 (inverter trip retention selection H) for details.
(2) By means of an external signal (shorting RES and CC on control terminal board
→ release)
(3) By operation panel operation
(4) By means of a communication
⇒ For details, refer to the instruction manual for the communications device used
specified in section 6.41.
reset it in one of the following ways.
To reset the inverter by operation panel operation, follow these steps.
1. Check whether the LED on the control panel indicates that tripping has occurred. If the occurrence of tripping is
not indicated, press the MODE key to display it.
2. Press the STOP key and make sure that ENT is displayed.
3. Pressing the STOP key again will reset the inverter if the cause of the trip has already been eliminated.
When any overload function [QN: Inverter overload, QN: Motor overload, QNT: Braking resistor overload] is
active, the inverter cannot be reset by inputting a reset signal from an external device or by operation panel
operation before the virtual cooling time has passed.
Standard virtual cooling time … In case of QN: for about 30 seconds after trip
In case of QN: for about 120 seconds after trip
In case of QNT: for about 20 seconds after trip
Note: QN or QN can be reset during virtual cooling time if the CPU1 version is Ver.106 or successor. However,
note that the inverter is in a state easy to trip during virtual cooling time.
If the inverter trips because of overheat (QJ), reset it after a considerably long time enough for cooling it down
completely, because overheat is detected based on its internal temperature.
- Caution -
For quickly recovering inverter from trip status, turn it off once and reset it. However, this measure is taken
frequently, it may cause damage to the motor and other component units.