The about screen, Working with the handheld data, Viewing data – IntelliTrack Check In/Out User Manual
Page 348: The about screen 320, Working with the handheld data 320, Viewing data 320
User Manual
Mark the Delete Data on HH After Upload check box to purge data
automatically on the handheld after successfully sending it to the Batch
Synchronization Utility on the desktop. Note that when you enable this
option, the handheld application will not contain backup data. If you do
not want the data to be deleted automatically after an upload, do not
mark this check box. (If you do not delete data automatically, you are
still able to delete data through the Purge function.)
Mark the Display pull down lists check box to display pull down list
selections in the Batch Portable application. When you mark this box,
you are able to tap an arrow in the selection field and select from a list
of validation data that appears for the selection. If you do not mark this
check box, selection fields do not contain a drop-down arrow from
which to display a selection list, however, you may enter or scan the
data into the field. If the Batch Portable application screens take a long
time to load because of large record set, we recommend turning off this
setting to improve system performance.
To apply your settings, tap the Save button found in the bottom right
corner of the screen.
Tap the ok button found in the top right corner of the screen to close the
Options screen and return to the Main screen.
The About
The Check In-Out Batch Portable application contains an About screen
that lists useful information such as the application, version, and handheld
device number.
Working with the Handheld Data
The Batch Portable application database houses the downloaded data and
the collected data. You are able to view the data, purge it, send it to the
Batch Synchronization Utility, and receive it from the Batch Synchroniza-
tion Utility.
Viewing Data
To view downloaded data and collected data on the handheld application,
tap View > Collected Data from the menu bar. Page 320 Thursday, July 9, 2009 11:26 AM