Sync reference options, Output monitoring – Grass Valley Trinix NXT v.3.3.1 User Manual
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Trinix NXT — Installation and Service Manual
Trinix Frames
Sync Reference Options
For synchronous vertical interval switching the same sync reference signal
must be sent to the control system (for example, Jupiter CM-4000 or CM-
4400) and to the Trinix. (The Trinix will operate without a sync connection
but switching will be non-synchronous.) Each sync input uses looping 75-
ohm BNC connectors.
The sync signal can be NTSC or PAL black burst, or tri-level (HD) sync, and
up to four sync signals can be mixed within the same frame on an output-
board basis. For example, NTSC sync could be used for one set of 32
outputs and HD sync for another set of 32 outputs.
In the TRX-NXT-128x128, TRX-NXT-256x256, and theTRX-NXT-512x1024
Routing switchers, one or two independent sync signals can be connected
to a NR-33000 Broadlinx board and either of these can then be selected for
use on each output board. Adding a second Broadlinx board provides four
independent sync sources.
In TRX-NXT-512x512 Routing switchers, which are normally supplied
with an SR-33500 Sync/OPM board, up to four independent sync sources
can be connected and any of the four can be selected for each output board.
If desired, an NR-33000 board can be installed in the associated power
supply frame to provide Broadlinx capability. It is also possible to divide
the sync sources between the SR-33500 and the Broadlinx board but the
maximum number of sync sources is always four.
In TRX-NXT-256x512 Routing switchers, which are normally supplied
with a TRX-SR Sync/OPM board, up to four independent sync sources can
be connected and any of the four can be selected for each output board. It
is also possible to divide the sync sources between the TRX-SR and the
Broadlinx board but the maximum number of sync sources is always four.
In the TRX-NXT-128x256 and TRX-NXT-512x1024 Routing switchers, the
TRX-OPM board does not process sync references. Sync is supplied exclu-
sively from the NR-33000 boards.
Sync Redundant mode
For all Trinix routers Two Broadlinx boards can be operated in the Sync
Redundant mode. That is, the sync signals are looped through each board.
If the primary Broadlinx board fails, the system will switch automatically
to the secondary board. The number of sync signals is limited to two for
redundant operation.
For Sync reference details, see
Sync Reference Connections on page 157
Output Monitoring
The TRX-NXT-128x128
and the TRX-NXT-256x256 frames, uses two pairs
of output monitor ports, which are provided by the NR-33000 board (one
side of each pair is inverted). Two additional dual ports are optionally