Measurement Computing TempScan/1100 User Manual
Page 86

4-28 System Configuration
TempScan / MultiScan User's Manual
Engineering Units Format
If the Engineering Units data format is selected, the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 will interpret and
supply data in a format appropriate for the configured thermocouple or volts channel type. In the
Engineering Units format, both input and output data formats are valid for the following data:
• Temperature: For channels configured as thermocouples, the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200
converts and returns all ASCII raw-data readings in the format which corresponds with the
Engineering Unit selected. To obtain the default temperature unit of degrees Celsius (°C), the ASCII
raw-data values (ASCII integers
) are converted by dividing them by 10, such that
-3276.7 ≤
≤ +3276.7
. Therefore, the default resolution of returned output data is 0.1°C.
The temperature format is as follows where
represents an ASCII digit:
. Meanwhile, the
ASCII raw-data conversion varies with the temperature units, as follows:
• Degrees Celsius (°C, default): °C
= (Raw ASCII Count)/10
• Degrees Fahrenheit (°F): °F
= (9/5)
+ 32
• Degrees Rankine (°R): °R
= (9/5)
+ 491.69
• Degrees Kelvin (°K): °K
+ 273.16
• Volts: For channels configured as volts, the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 converts and returns
all ASCII raw-data readings. The ASCII raw-data range is scaled-down such that the fractions 4.4/4.5
(for volts) and 4.3939/4.5 (for high-voltage) of the ASCII raw-data range
, gives the adjusted
(for volts), and
(for high-voltage), respectively.
The volts formats is as follows where
represents an ASCII digit:
. Meanwhile, the
ASCII raw-data conversion, and the resolution is dependent upon the volts range, as follows:
• ±0.1 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(32038.84444 x 10)
with a resolution of 3.12 µV/bit.
• ±1.0 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(32038.84444 x 1.0)
with a resolution of 31.2 µV/bit.
• ±5.0 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(32038.84444 x 0.2)
with a resolution of 156 µV/bit.
• ±10.0 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(32038.84444 x 0.1)
with a resolution of 312 µV/bit.
• ±2.5 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(31994.42695 x 0.4)
with a resolution of 78.14 µV/bit.
• ±25.0 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(31994.42695 x 0.04)
with a resolution of 781.4 µV/bit.
• ±250 V:
V = (Raw Count)/(31994.42695 x 0.004)
with a resolution of 7.81 mV/bit.
• Time/Date and Time/Date Stamping: The TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 interprets and supplies
Time/Date data in slightly different formats, depending on whether the data is input or output, and if it
is output from the HLL Registers via Acquisition Buffer output queries, whether the data represents an
absolute or a relative time stamping.
The Time/Date data will have the following ASCII-based formats:
• Time/Date input data:
• Time/Date output data (absolute time stamping):,MM/DD/YY
• Time/Date output data (relative time stamping):
. (Negative
values indicate Pre-Trigger scans, whereas positive values indicate Post-Trigger scans.)
Where the ASCII-based format variables are as follows:
Hours such that
00 ≤ hh ≤ 23
Minutes such that
00 ≤ mm ≤ 59
Seconds such that
00 ≤ ss ≤ 59
Tenths of a second such that
0 ≤ t ≤ 9
Milliseconds such that
000 ≤ mil ≤ 999
Months such that
01 ≤ MM ≤ 12
Days such that
01 ≤ DD ≤ 31
Years such that
00 ≤ yy ≤ 99
Days such that
0 ≤ D ≤ 9