Measurement Computing TempScan/1100 User Manual

Page 72

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4-14 System Configuration


TempScan / MultiScan User's Manual

If the Pre-Trigger


is set to a non-zero value, the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 will begin

sampling Pre-Trigger data immediately after the Set Trigger Configuration (


) command is issued, at the

rate specified by the current normal scan interval, as set via the Set Scan Interval (



When the Trigger start event occurs, the Pre-Trigger data portion of the Trigger Block will contain the
most recent Pre-Trigger scans. The number of Pre-Trigger scans collected will depend upon when the
Trigger occurs. If the Trigger occurs when the number of acquired Pre-Trigger scans is less than the
specified Pre-Trigger


, then that number of Pre-Trigger scans will be the number of Pre-Trigger scans

collected to that point. Otherwise, if the Trigger occurs when the number of acquired Pre-Trigger scans is
greater than the specified Pre-Trigger


, then the number of Pre-Trigger scans will be the number

specified by the Pre-Trigger


parameter of the Set Counts (


) command. If no acquisition data is

desired while in the Pre-Trigger state, the Pre-Trigger


parameter of the Set Counts (


) command may

be set to zero.

Pre-Trigger data may not be accessed while the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 unit is in the Pre-
state. The Pre-Trigger data for a particular Trigger Block is not made available to be read until the
specified Trigger occurs. There are two ways to determine if the unit is in the Pre-Trigger state:
• Check the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 front panel. If the TRIGGER LED indicator is flashing,

then the unit is in the Pre-Trigger state.

• Query the Status Byte Register (


) via the User Status (


) command. If the acquisition has been

configured and the Triggered Bit (Bit 1) is not set , then the unit is in the Pre-Trigger state. When the
specified Trigger occurs, the TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 exits the Pre-Trigger state and enters
the Post-Trigger state.

Post-Trigger State

The Post-Trigger state is the acquisition period after the Trigger (trigger start event) and before the Stop
(trigger stop event). While the unit is in this state, the TRIGGER LED indicator will be on. As in any
other acquisition state, the alarms and their associated outputs will be updated as follows: At the fastest rate
possible under the current channel configuration, for the TempScan/1100; and at any programmed Post-
scan rate up to the fastest rate possible under the current channel configuration, for the

During this state, the unit will collect Post-Trigger data at the rate specified by the acquisition scan
interval, as set via the Set Scan Interval (


) command. Post-Trigger scans will be collected at this rate

until the Stop event occurs. The number of scans collected during the Post-Trigger state is not restricted
by the internal buffer size. The TempScan/1100 or MultiScan/1200 can collect scans in the Post-Trigger
state indefinitely, if the controlling computer is capable of reading data out of the Acquisition Buffer fast
enough to prevent a buffer overrun.

The Post-Trigger state may be detected by doing the following: Querying the Triggered Bit (Bit 1) of the
Status Byte Register (


) via the User Status (


) command; and querying the Stop Event Bit (Bit 1) of

the Event Status Register (


) via the User Status (


) command. If and only if the Triggered Bit (Bit 1)

of the


is set, and the Stop Event Bit (Bit 1) of the


is not set, then the TempScan/1100 or

MultiScan/1200 unit is in the Post-Trigger state. The unit will exit the Post-Trigger state when the Stop
event occurs.

Post-Stop State

The Post-Trigger state is the acquisition period after the Stop (trigger stop event) until the completion of
the acquisition. While the unit is in this state, the TRIGGER LED indicator will be on. As in any other
acquisition state, the alarms and their associated outputs will be updated as follows: At the fastest rate
possible under the current channel configuration, for the TempScan/1100; and at any programmed Post-
scan rate up to the fastest rate possible under the current channel configuration, for the

This manual is related to the following products: