Caution – Measurement Computing TempScan/1100 User Manual

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TempScan / MultiScan User’s Manual


System Overview 1-5

Data Storage & Format

Storage: 128 K reading (256 Kbyte) standard; optional 500 K reading (1 Mbyte), 2 M reading (4 Mbyte),

4 M reading (8 Mbyte).

Data Formats: ASCII and binary; binary format returns a 16-bit compensated and linearized temperature

value (0.1°C/bit); user-programmable for hi/low byte or low/hi byte. Note that high speed DMA
transfers are binary format only.

Statistical Parameters: High, Low, and Last available per channel. For MultiScan/1200: Not available

when in single-channel burst mode.

Time Stamping: Available for each scan group and for each channel’s high, low, and last parameters.

For MultiScan/1200: Not available when in single-channel burst mode.

Time Format: Absolute Time/Date stamping (,MM/DD/YY

), relative Time/Date stamping


) and scan interval timebase (


). For MultiScan/1200: Not

available when in single-channel burst mode.

Alarm Stamp: Available for each scan group. For MultiScan/1200: Not available when in single-channel

burst mode.

Digital Input Stamp: Available for each scan group. For MultiScan/1200: Not available when in single-

channel burst mode.

IEEE 488 Interface


The IEEE 488 terminal must only be used to control a non-isolated IEEE 488
system. The common mode voltage (cable shell to earth) must be zero.

Interface Use: Digital communication (as opposed to analog) for IEEE 488 compliant computer platforms,

as well as IEEE 488 compliant platform-independent configurations. Messages sent 1 byte (8 bits) at
a time. Supports data rates up to 1 Mbyte/sec. Up to 15 devices can be connected to one bus.
Total bus length up to 20 meters. Allowable cable distance between devices is up to 2 meters.
Message transactions are hardware handshaked.

Installation Category: For CE: Category 1.
Implementation: SH1, AH1, T6, TE4, L4, LE4, SR1, PP0, RL0, DC1, DT1, C0, E1.
Programmable Parameters: Alarm set points, thermocouple type, temperature units, Trigger level,

Pre-Trigger and Post-Trigger scan interval, Trigger mode, SRQ mask, scan count, Pre-Trigger count,
digital input, digital output, real time settings, data output format, and terminators.

Data Transfer Speed: Up to >300 Kbytes/s.
Connector: Standard IEEE 488 connector with metric studs.

RS-232 Serial Interface


The RS-232 terminal is only for connecting devices having signals at serial
communications levels.

Installation Category: For CE: Category 1.
Baud Rates:
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600.
Data Bits: 8.
Stop Bits: 1.
Parity: Even, Odd, None.
Handshaking: RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF (for ASCII transmissions only).
Connector: Male DB-9.

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