Measurement Computing TempScan/1100 User Manual
Page 288

C-18 Program Examples in Quick Basic
TempScan / MultiScan, Appendix C
The following program is
in the
subdirectory. It will set up the alarm system
of the MultiScan/1200.
• Lines 1-3: Although not necessary, it is good practice to reset the MultiScan/1200 at the start of your
application by sending the Reset Power-On (
) command. Wait a few seconds.
• Lines 4-8: To be certain that the reset was successful and the device is ready, Serial Poll the device
until the proper status is returned.
• Lines 9-10: The first thing necessary to start scanning is to setup the measuring mode. In this case, the
MultiScan/1200 will be setup for line-cycle integration / high-speed multi-channel mode.
• Line 11: The Configure Channels (
) command will be used once to configure a range of channels
from 1 to 24 as Type T thermocouples, where levels above 18 or below 1 will cause a system alarm.
• Line 12: In addition to causing an internal system alarm state, the alarm conditions can also be
attached to any one of the 32 digital output lines. The Assign Digital Alarm Output (
) command will
be used to assign input Channels 1 and 2 to digital alarm Output 1 in an ORed fashion.
• Lines 13-14: Program for one Pre-Trigger scan via the Set Counts (
) command. Then program the
Trigger (trigger start event) and Stop (trigger stop event) via the Set Trigger Configuration (
command to arm the acquisition.
• Lines 15-36: The Set Digital Outputs (
) command
will be used to query the status of the digital
output lines. The alarm state can be detected since digital alarm Output 1 was mapped into input
Channels 1 and 2. This example shows alarm detection handling when two or more channels have to
be muxed into one single digital output bit.
The User Status (
) command
will be used to show each individual channel alarm status.