Tempscan/1100 – Measurement Computing TempScan/1100 User Manual
Page 277

TempScan / MultiScan, Appendix C
Program Examples in Quick Basic C-7
• Lines 17-29: Until another key is pressed to exit the loop, the
command is issued and the HLL data
is collected. The IEEE 488 controller command
to the MultiScan/1200, the
requests the data, then the command
gets the data from the IEEE 488
driver and places it in the variable
. The
loop extracts the data for the individual channels from
the string
and places them on the screen. Since the format of the volts data is subtly different than
that of the thermocouple data, two different
loops must be used to extract the channel data. Time
and date information is also available in the HLL data.
Acquiring Pre- & Post-Trigger Data at Different Rates
Example 15e. SLOW_ACQ.BAS Program
…… 15-CLS : PRINT “The TempScan/1100 is resetting...”
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;*RX”
…… 15-SLEEP 4
…… 15-WHILE (S% AND 4) = 0
…… 15-PRINT #1, “SPOLL 07"
…… 15-INPUT #2, S%
…… 15-WEND
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;C1-32,1X”
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;C33-64,2X”
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;Y30,1,200X”
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;I00:00:01.0,00:00:00.3X”
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;T1,1,0,0X"
…… 15-PRINT “The TempScan/1100 is collecting Pre-Trigger data and is ready
for a Trigger...”
…… 15-PRINT “Hit a key to trigger the start of acquisition...”
…… 15-WHILE INKEY$ = “”: WEND
…… 15-PRINT #1,“OUTPUT 07;@X”
…… 15-PRINT “The TempScan/1100 is collecting and uploading Post-Trigger data
as it becomes available...”
…… 15-PRINT “Hit a key to trigger the stop of acquisition...”
…… 15-i = 0
…… 15-WHILE INKEY$ = “”
…… 15-i = i + 1
…… 15-S% = 0
…… 15- …… 15-WHILE ((S% AND 8) <> 8)
…… 15- …… 15-PRINT #1, “SPOLL 07"
…… 15- …… 15-INPUT #2, S%
…… 15- …… 15-WEND
…… 15- …… 15-PRINT #1 “OUTPUT 07; R1X”
…… 15- …… 15-PRINT #1 “ENTER 07”
…… 15- …… 15-INPUT #2, READINGS$
…… 15- …… 15-LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT “The scan”; i; “was:”; READINGS$
…… 15-WEND
…… 15-PRINT #1, “OUTPUT 07;@X”
…… 15-i = 0
…… 15-U% = 0
…… 15-WHILE INKEY$ = “”
…… 15-i = i + 1
…… 15-S% = 0
…… 15- …… 15-WHILE ((S% AND 8) <> 8)
…… 15- …… 15-PRINT #1, “SPOLL 07"
…… 15- …… 15-INPUT #2, S%
…… 15- …… 15-WEND