Exhaust after-treatment systems (eats), Pre-alarms – Basler Electric DGC-2020HD User Manual
Page 389

9469300990 Rev B
SPN 3703 (Diesel Particulate Filter Status) is received with a value of 010
(regeneration is needed – moderate level)
The pre-alarm text is SOOT LVL MOD HI.
The warning symbol, shown to the right, accompanies the text when
the pre-alarm appears on the DGC-2020HD front panel.
This pre-alarm is annunciated when one of the following occurs.
A DTC is received with SPN 3719 (Diesel Particulate Filter Soot Load Percent) with
FMI = 0 (Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range Most Severe Level)
SPN 3703 (Diesel Particulate Filter Status) is received with a value of 011
(regeneration is needed – highest level)
The pre-alarm text is SOOT LVL EXT HI.
The stop symbol, shown to the right, accompanies the text when the
pre-alarm appears on the DGC-2020HD front panel. If the soot level
reaches the most severe level, the engine ECU may shut the engine
down, preventing it from running, or allow it to run, but at a reduced
power level. The DGC-2020HD only indicates a pre-alarm, it does
not prevent the engine from running or cause operation at a reduced
power level. However, the operator should be aware that the engine
ECU or after treatment system may cause such behavior.
Exhaust After-Treatment Systems (EATS)
In order to meet Tier 4 emission requirements, some engine manufacturers are adding Exhaust After
Treatment Systems (EATS) which treat the engine exhaust within the exhaust system to reduce
particulate matter and harmful contaminants prior to releasing the exhaust into the atmosphere. One such
system uses urea-based Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) catalyst which is combined with the exhaust gasses
in the EATS to bring the emissions to acceptable levels.
The DGC-2020HD meters EATS information from the engine ECU via J1939 CANbus and
displays the DEF level within the DEF tank(s), and also displays several pre-alarms
related to the EATS system. Any DEF related pre-alarms annunciated on the front panel
display the symbol used for DEF functions which is shown to the right.
Most systems will contain one DEF tank, while some may contain two tanks. The DGC-2020HD front
panel displays the level of DEF in each tank under Metering
Alarms-StatusJ1939 StatusDEF Tank1
LVL% and Metering > Alarms-Status > J1939 Status > DEF Tank2 LVL%. The tank 1 level is sent from
the ECU via SPN 1761 in J1939 PGN 65110 - After Treatment 1 Reagent Tank 1 Information. The tank 2
level is sent from the ECU via SPN 4367 in J1939 PGN 64829 - After Treatment 1 Reagent Tank 2
Information. Tank levels are in units of percent.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level diagnostics are sent to the DGC-2020HD from the ECU as SPNs 5245 and
5246 in PGN 65110 (the AT1TI PGN). Suspect Parameter Number 5245 communicates DEF level
diagnostics, whereas SPN 5246 communicates DEF Inducement Level status.
There are several alarms related to the EATS which annunciate DEF Level Diagnostics and DEF
Inducement Level status. They are always enabled and will annunciate when received from the engine
ECU. Each of them contains the symbol for DEF functions when annunciated on the front panel; however
it will not be displayed in BESTCOMSPlus. The pre-alarms are summarized in the following paragraphs.
DEF FLUID LOW: This pre-alarm displays when SPN 5245 has a value of 1 indicating that the DEF
tank level is low. A DEF level of 8% to 23% causes this annunciation.
Exhaust Treatment