Basler Electric DGC-2020HD User Manual
Page 116

9469300990 Rev B
Gen Frequency > Bus Frequency - Enable gen frequency > bus frequency if desired.
Enabling gen frequency > bus frequency will force kW to be pushed out of the generator
when the breaker is closed.
Gen Voltage > Bus Voltage - Enable gen voltage > bus voltage if desired. Enabling gen
voltage > bus voltage will ensure vars flow out of the generator when the breaker is closed.
Open the AVR Bias Control Settings screen in the Settings Explorer, under Bias Control Settings.
Select either contact or analog as the bias control output type. See Figure 53.
Contact bias control output type. Select either Continuous or Proportional as the bias control
output type.
Analog bias control output type. If this is chosen, it is also required to enter gains and loop
gains of the voltage PID controller. These settings may have to be adjusted to achieve the
desired response from the voltage regulator. Controller tuning procedures may be found in
the Tuning PID Settings chapter.
Figure 53. Settings Explorer, Bias Control Settings, AVR Bias Control Settings
Open the Governor Bias Control Settings screen in the Settings Explorer, under Bias Control
Settings. The parameters for the governor bias control are similar to those of the AVR bias control,
and are set in a similar manner. Follow the same steps as for the AVR bias control setup.
If controlling the voltage regulator with an analog signal, open the AVR Output screen in the Settings
Explorer, under Multigen Management. On this screen, select the bias output parameters and levels
as required by the voltage regulator. See Figure 54.
Output Type - Select whether the AVR bias signal should be Voltage or Current.
Response - Select Increasing or Decreasing. Increasing should be selected if an increase in
the output parameter results in an increase of generator output voltage.
Min Output Current (mA) and Max Output Current (mA) - If the Output Type is Current, these
parameters must be configured. Set the minimum and maximum current to a range equal to