Viewing the lsan zone binding matrixes, Proxy pid configuration – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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3. Enter the following command to add a pair of edge fabrics that can access each other:

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --add -lsan fid1fid2

The variables fid1 and fid2 are the fabric IDs of the edge fabrics.

4. Enter the following command to apply the changes persistently:

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --apply -all

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --add -fcr 10:00:00:60:69:c3:12:b2


FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --add -lsan 4 5

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --add -lsan 4 7

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --add -lsan 10 19

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --apply -all

Viewing the LSAN zone binding matrixes

1. Log in to the FC router as admin.
2. Enter the following command to view the FC router matrix:

fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview -fcr

3. Enter the following command to view the LSAN fabric matrix:

fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview -lsan

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview -fcr





10:00:00:60:69:c3:12:b2 (2)

10:00:00:60:69:c3:12:b3 (unknown)

FCR:Admin> fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview -lsan

LSAN MATRIX is activated

Fabric ID Fabric ID


4 5

4 7

10 19

Proxy PID configuration

When an FC router is first configured, the PIDs for the proxy devices are automatically assigned.
Proxy PIDs (as well as phantom domain IDs) persist across reboots.

The most common situation in which you would set a proxy PID is when you replace a switch. If you
replace the switch and want to continue using the old PID assignments, you can configure it to do so;
this value remains in the system even if the blade is replaced. To minimize disruption to the edge
fabrics, set the proxy PIDs to the same values used with the old hardware.

The fcrProxyConfig command displays or sets the persistent configuration of proxy devices. Used
with the -s option, it can also influence the assignment of the xlate domain port number (which is used
to determine the Area_ID field of the PID) and the Port_ID field. Like the PIDs in a fabric, a proxy PID
must be unique. If the slot argument results in a duplicate PID, it will be ignored. Proxy PIDs are
automatically assigned to devices imported into a fabric, starting at f001. For Proxy IDs projected to an
M-EOS edge fabric in McDATA fabric mode, use valid ALPAs (lower 8 bits).

Use the fcrXlateConfig command to display or assign a preferred domain ID to a translate domain.

Viewing the LSAN zone binding matrixes


Fabric OS Administrators Guide
