Setting bottleneck detection alerts – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 394

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This example shows that only a congestion alert at the switch level has been

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status

Bottleneck detection - Enabled


Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:


Time threshold - 0.800

Severity threshold - 50.000

Switch-wide alerting parameters:


Alerts - Congestion only

Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800

Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds

Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds

Per-port overrides for alert parameters:


Port Alerts? LatencyThresh CongestionThresh Time (s) QTime(s)


1 Y 0.100 0.800 300 300

2 C

-- 0.800 600 600

3 L

0.100 -- 300 300

4 N -- -- -- --

If there are no per-port overrides, the “Per-port overrides for alert parameters”
section is not displayed.

Refer to

Enabling bottleneck detection on a switch

on page 392 for instructions

on enabling bottleneck detection.

Setting bottleneck detection alerts

You can configure Fabric OS to log per-port alerts based on the latency and congestion history of the
port. Alerts are generated based on the number of affected seconds over a specified period of time. If
the number of affected seconds is higher than the threshold, an alert is generated. This evaluation is
done independently for latency and congestion.

A congestion bottleneck detection alert is generated whenever a frame timeout occurs irrespective of
the number of affected seconds in the observation window.

The following bottleneckmon -alert parameters determine whether an alert is generated and the
reason for the alert.

• The -time parameter specifies the time window. For this example, -time equals 12 seconds.
• The -cthresh and -lthresh parameters specify the thresholds on number of affected seconds that

trigger alerts for congestion and latency bottlenecks, respectively.

The following example uses the default values for these parameters, where -cthresh is 0.8 (80%) and
-lthresh is 0.1 (10%). as shown in the following figure. This figure shows a period of 12 seconds in

Setting bottleneck detection alerts


Fabric OS Administrators Guide
