Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 399
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Yes
Latency threshold for alert - 0.200
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.700
Averaging time for alert - 200 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 150 seconds
Per-port overrides for alert parameters:
Port Alerts? LatencyThresh CongestionThresh Time (s) QTime (s)
46 N -- -- -- --
Example 4: Selecting latency-only alerts and changing the latency threshold value for a port.
The following example changes the alerts to latency-only and the latency threshold value to 75 percent,
both on port 47 only.
switch123:admin> bottleneckmon --config -alert=latency -lthresh 0.75 47
switch123:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Yes
Latency threshold for alert - 0.200
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.700
Averaging time for alert - 200 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 150 seconds
Per-port overrides for alert parameters:
Port Alerts? LatencyThresh CongestionThresh Time (s) QTime (s)
46 N -- -- -- --
47 L 0.750 -- 200 150
Example 5: Changing the latency time value for a port.
The following example changes the time value to 250 seconds for port 47 only. The command must
include -alert=latency to preserve the latency-only alerts configured in the previous example. In
general, -alert must be specified (with =latency or =congestion if desired) on every --config command
when alerts are desired.
switch123:admin> bottleneckmon --config -alert=latency -time 250 47
switch123:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Yes
Latency threshold for alert - 0.200
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.700
Averaging time for alert - 200 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 150 seconds
Per-port overrides for alert parameters:
Bottleneck Detection
Fabric OS Administrators Guide