Excluding a port from bottleneck detection – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 402
When you enable bottleneck detection, you can specify switch-wide sub-second latency criterion
parameters. After you enable bottleneck detection, you can change the sub-second latency criterion
parameters only on a per-port basis. You cannot change them on the entire switch, as you can with
alerting parameters, unless you disable and then re-enable bottleneck detection.
Changing the sub-second latency criterion parameters on specific ports causes an interruption in the
detection of bottlenecks on those ports, which means the history of bottlenecks is lost on these ports.
Also note the following behaviors if you change the sub-second latency criterion parameters:
• Traffic through these ports is not affected.
• History of latency bottlenecks and congestion bottlenecks is lost on these ports. Other ports are not
affected, however.
• The interruption occurs whether you set or clear per-port overrides on the sub-second latency
criterion parameters.
• Because of the interruption, you can never have an alert for a port such that the alert spans periods
of time with different sub-second latency criteria on that port.
Excluding a port from bottleneck detection
When you exclude a port from bottleneck detection, no data is collected from the port and no alerts are
generated for the port. All statistics history for the port is discarded. Alerting parameters for the port
are preserved, so if you later include the port for bottleneck detection, the alerting parameters are
restored. Per-port exclusions may be needed if, for example, a long-distance port is known to be a
bottleneck because of credit insufficiency. In general, however, per-port exclusions are not
recommended. For trunking, if you exclude a slave port from bottleneck detection, the exclusion has
no effect as long as the port is a trunk slave. The exclusion takes effect only if the port becomes a
trunk master or leaves the trunk.
To exclude a port from bottleneck detection, complete the following steps.
1. Connect to the switch to which the target port belongs and log in using an account with admin
2. Enter bottleneckmon --exclude port_number to exclude the port from bottleneck detection.
To re-include the port later, enter bottleneckmon --include port_number.
Excluding a port from bottleneck detection
Fabric OS Administrators Guide