Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 395

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which 6 seconds are affected by a congestion bottleneck and 3 seconds are affected by a latency

switch:admin> bottleneckmon -alert -time 12 -cthresh 0.8 -lthresh 0.1

FIGURE 53 Affected seconds for bottleneck detection

For this time window, 50 percent of the seconds (6 out of 12 seconds) are affected by congestion. This
is below the threshold of 80 percent, so an alert would not be generated for a congestion bottleneck.
For the same time window, 25 percent of the seconds (3 out of 12 seconds) are affected by latency.
This exceeds the threshold of 10 percent, so an alert would be generated for a latency bottleneck.

Setting both a congestion alert and a latency alert

Fabric OS allows you to enable both a congestion alert and a latency alert with a single command.

To enable both alerts using the default alert values, complete the following steps.

1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Entering bottleneckmon --enable -alert. This enables both alerts using the default alert values.

Setting both a congestion alert and a latency alert

Fabric OS Administrators Guide

