Setting only a congestion alert, Setting only a latency alert – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 396

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The following example enables both alerts and then shows their values.

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status

Bottleneck detection - Enabled


Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:


Time threshold - 0.800

Severity threshold - 50.000

Switch-wide alerting parameters:


Alerts - Yes

Latency threshold for alert - 0.100

Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800

Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds

Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds

Setting only a congestion alert

Fabric OS allows you to enable a congestion alert without a latency alert.

To enable only a congestion alert using the default alert values, complete the following steps.

1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter bottleneckmon --enable -alert=congestion

The following example enables a congestion alert and shows its values.

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert=congestion

switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status

Bottleneck detection - Enabled


Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:


Time threshold - 0.800

Severity threshold - 50.000

Switch-wide alerting parameters:


Alerts - Congestion only

Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800

Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds

Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds

Setting only a latency alert

Fabric OS allows you to enable a latency alert without a congestion alert.

To enable only a latency alert using the default alert values, complete the following steps.

1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter bottleneckmon --enable -alert=latency

Setting only a congestion alert


Fabric OS Administrators Guide
