Changing a logical switch to a base switch – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
Page 292

3. Enter y at the prompt.
4. Enable the logical switch.
fosexec --fid newFID -cmd "switchenable"
Example of changing the fabric ID on the logical switch from 5 to 7
sw0:FID128:admin> lscfg --change 5 -newfid 7
Changing of a switch fid requires that the switch be disabled.
Would you like to continue [y/n]?: y
Disabling switch...
All active login sessions for FID 5 have been terminated.
Checking and logging message: fid = 5.
Please enable your switch.
sw0:FID128:admin> fosexec --fid 7 -cmd "switchenable"
"switchenable" on FID 7:
Changing a logical switch to a base switch
Use the following procedure to change a logical switch to a base switch.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with the chassis-role permission.
2. Set the context to the logical switch you want to change, if you are not already in that context.
setcontext fabricID (or switchname)
The fabricID parameter is the FID of the logical switch you want to change to a base switch. The
switchname parameter is the name assigned to the logical switch. You can only use one parameter
at a time.
3. Configure the switch to not allow XISL use, as described in
Configuring a logical switch for XISL use
on page 293.
4. Enter the lsCfg command to change the logical switch to a base switch:
lscfg --change fabricID -base
The fabricID parameter is the fabric ID of the logical switch with the attributes you want to change.
5. Enable the switch.
Changing a logical switch to a base switch
Fabric OS Administrators Guide