Figure 37 – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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The TI zones are enhanced TI zones because they have an overlapping member (3,8). Each zone
describes a different path from the Target to Domain 1. Traffic is routed correctly from Host 1 and Host
2 to the Target; however, traffic from the Target to the Hosts might not be.

Traffic from (3,8) destined for Domain 1 cannot go through both port 6 and port 7, so only one port is
chosen. If port 6 is chosen, frames destined for (1,4) will be dropped at Domain 1. If port 7 is chosen,
frames destined for (1,1) will be dropped.

FIGURE 37 Illegal ETIZ configuration: two paths from one port to two devices on the same remote

Illegal ETIZ configuration: separate paths from a single port to the same domain

Figure 38

shows another example of an illegal ETIZ configuration. In this example, the two hosts are on

separate remote domains, but the path to each host goes through the same domain (Domain 1).

This example contains two enhanced TI zones, with port (3,8) as the overlapping member:

• ETIZ 1 contains (1,1), (1,2), (3,6), (3,8)
• ETIZ 2 contains (2,1), (2,2), (1,4), (1,3), (3,7), (3,8)

In this example traffic from the Target to Domain 2 is routed correctly. Only one TI zone describes a
path to Domain 2. However, both TI zones describe different, valid paths from the Target to Domain 1.
Only one path will be able to get to (1,1). Traffic from port (3,8) cannot be routed to Domain 1 over both
(3,6) and (3,7), so one port will be chosen. If (3,7) is chosen, frames destined for (1,1) will be dropped at
Domain 1.

Illegal ETIZ configuration: separate paths from a single port to the same domain

Fabric OS Administrators Guide

