Fcip tunnel configuration – Brocade Fabric OS Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 547

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1. Log in to the switch or backbone.
2. Set the FID alias using the fcrconfigure --add command.

fcrconfigure --add -alias alias_name -fid fid

3. Verify the configured alias names using the fcrconfigure --show -alias command.

fcrconfigure --show -alias

The following example configures alias names for three fabrics, and then
configures an EX_Port using the FID alias name.

switch:admin> fcrconfigure --add -alias Green_fabric -fid 10

switch:admin> fcrconfigure --add -alias Blue_fabric -fid 12

switch:admin> fcrconfigure --add -alias Yellow_fabric -fid 15

switch:admin> fcrconfigure --show -alias

FID Alias


10 Green_fabric

12 Blue_fabric

15 Yellow_fabric

switch:admin> portcfgexport 3 -a 1 -f Green_fabric; portenable 3

switch:admin> portcfgexport 3

Port 3 info

Admin: enabled

State: OK

Pid format: core(N)

Operate mode: Brocade Native

Edge Fabric ID: 10

Alias Name: Green_fabric

Front Domain ID: 5

(output truncated)

FCIP tunnel configuration

The optional Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) Tunneling Service enables you to use "tunnels" to connect
instances of Fibre Channel SANs over IP-based networks to transport all Fibre Channel ISL and IFL
traffic. FCIP is a prerequisite for configuring VEX_Ports; if you are only using FC_Ports, then there is no
need to configure FCIP tunnels.

If using FCIP in your FC-FC routing configuration, you must first configure FCIP tunnels. Once a tunnel
is created, it defaults to a disabled state. Then configure the VE_Port or VEX_Port. After the appropriate
ports are configured, enable the tunnel.

FCIP tunnel configuration is applicable only to Fabric OS fabrics and does not apply to Brocade
Network OS or M-EOS fabrics.

Refer to the Fabric OS FCIP Administrator's Guide for instructions on how to configure FCIP tunnels.

FCIP tunnel configuration

Fabric OS Administrators Guide

